Free Preschools >> South Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in York County

Free preschools in York county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in York county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

York Free Preschools:

Avery Lake Head Start - Carolina Community Actions, Inc.
Location: Fort Mill, SC - 29715
Contact Phone: (803) 802-7587
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.
Clover Head Start - Carolina Community Actions, Inc.
Location: Clover, SC - 29710
Contact Phone: (803) 222-0736
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.
Iswa Development Corporation Head Start - ISWA Development Corporation
Location: Rock Hill, SC - 29730
Contact Phone: (803) 817-5052
Sylvia Circle Head Start - Carolina Community Actions, Inc.
Location: Rock Hill, SC - 29730
Contact Phone: (803) 328-3074
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.
York Head Start - Carolina Community Actions, Inc.
Location: York, SC - 29745
Contact Phone: (803) 684-2093
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.

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