Free Preschools >> South Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Orangeburg County

Free preschools in Orangeburg county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Orangeburg county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Orangeburg Free Preschools:

Bowman Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Bowman, SC - 29018
Contact Phone: (803) 829-3553
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Elloree Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Elloree, SC - 29047
Contact Phone: (803) 897-2673
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Eutawville Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Eutawville, SC - 29048
Contact Phone: (803) 492-7062
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Family Literacy Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Orangeburg, SC - 29115
Contact Phone: (803) 531-8648
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Holly Hill Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Holly Hill, SC - 29059
Contact Phone: (803) 496-7333
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Neeses Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Neeses, SC - 29107
Contact Phone: (803) 247-4455
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
North Road Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Orangeburg, SC - 29118
Contact Phone: (803) 533-1666
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.
Santee Head Start Center - OCAB Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Santee, SC - 29142
Contact Phone: (803) 854-3897
Details: Head Start is a full day pre-school program for three, four and five year olds from low income families. It promotes the cognitive, physical, emotional, psychological and social development of children, including those with disabilities, and provides assistance to their families through educational, social, nutritional, health, disabilities, family partnership, transportation and transition services components. Staff members work closely with families and community agencies to meet the comprehensive needs of all children.

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