Free Preschools >> Pennsylvania Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Lebanon County

Free preschools in Lebanon county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Lebanon county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Lebanon Free Preschools:

Cumberland - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Elco-fort Zeller Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Richland, PA - 17087
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Harding Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Henry Houck Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17046
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Lingle Avenue Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Palmyra, PA - 17078
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Northern Lebanon Modular - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Jonestown, PA - 17038
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Northwest Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17046
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
South Lebanon Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Southeast Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Southwest Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Union Canal Elementary - Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17046
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Head Start/Pre-K Counts is a comprehensive preschool program for three and four-year-old children and their families. It is designed to strengthen and encourage early literacy, social development, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency by providing positive learning experiences. In Lebanon County, IU13 partners with the six school districts to provide young children with the school readiness skills they need to succeed in kindergarten.
Lancaster-lebanon Iu # 13 Early Head Start - Commonweath of Pennsylvania
Location: Lebanon, PA - 17042
Contact Phone: (717) 450-1512
Details: Early Head Start serves pregnant women and families with children from birth to age 3. It operates like preschool Head Start, following a set of federal Performance Standards that assure every child receives high quality services that help them grow physically, academically and socially and families obtain needed services to help them become self sufficient. The program may be offered as center-based or home-based services and is free. Pennsylvania also provides Pennsylvania Early Head Start to a limited number of children and families. Funded through federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act dollars, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning was named as an Early Head Start to expand services to infants and toddlers across the state.

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