Free Preschools >> North Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Surry County

Free preschools in Surry county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Surry county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Surry Free Preschools:

Jones Head Start - Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
Location: Mount Airy, NC - 27030
Contact Phone: (336) 786-6155
Details: Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council. Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.
Oak Grove Head Start - Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
Location: Elkin, NC - 28621
Contact Phone: (336) 835-4248
Details: Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council. Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.
Paynetown Head Start - Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
Location: Mount Airy, NC - 27030
Contact Phone: (336) 786-7628
Details: Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council. Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.
Red Hill Creek Head Start - Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
Location: Dobson, NC - 27017
Contact Phone: (336) 352-4588
Details: Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council. Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.
Surry Head Start - Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc.
Location: Dobson, NC - 27017
Contact Phone: (336) 367-7202
Details: Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council. Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.

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