Free Preschools >> North Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Robeson County

Free preschools in Robeson county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Robeson county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Robeson Free Preschools:

Allenton Head Start - Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc.
Location: Lumberton, NC - 28358
Contact Phone: (910) 608-0326
Details: Allenton Head Start is located on 166 Lamb Road in Lumberton, N.C. 28358. This facility is family and community based and designed to enhance children’s; physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. The overall development of children enrolled in this program will benefit 3 to 4 year old children. These children will enter into kindergarten better prepared for their future educational development. Allenton Head Start site will enroll 3 and 4 year old Head Start children. One Child Development Coordinator (On Site Director)/ Family Worker, 3 teachers/teacher assistants, and one cook. The hours of operation for Center: 8:00-2:30 Monday thru Friday for children and Staff Hours are 7:30-3:30.
Greengrove Hs/ehs - Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc.
Location: Fairmont, NC - 28340
Contact Phone: (910) 628-1280
Details: Greengrove HS/EHS is located on 2583 East McDonald Road. Fairmont, N.C. 28340. LRDA has been working on the plan for this facility, which adds the new component of Early Head Start, and is combining, with the existing Head Start center into one new building. This facility is family centered and community based and designed to enhance children’s; physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. The overall development of children enrolled in this program will benefit Infant and Toddlers as well as 3 to 4 year old children. These children will enter into kindergarten better prepared for their future educational development. This is the first ever Early Head Start funded in our county. Greengrove HS/EHS site will enroll 32 infants and toddlers and 8 pregnant moms, 3 and 4 year old Head Start children. One Child Development Coordinator (On Site Director), one Family Worker for HS, one Family Advocate for EHS, 4 teachers/teacher assistants for Head Start and 4 caregivers/assistants for EHS, and one cook. The hours of operation for Center: 8:00-2:30 Monday thru Friday for Children and Staff are 7:30-3:30.
Maxton Head Start Center - Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc.
Location: Maxton, NC - 28364
Contact Phone: (910) 844-3406
Details: Maxton Head Start Center is located in the small Robeson County town of Maxton. Services are provided to 40 enrollees and their parents in a two classroom setting. This center the second facility purchased by our agency through utilization of State Bond Funds and Health and Human Services expansion monies. Maxton has a 5 Star Rating from the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Our staff are highly qualified to deliver age and developmentally appropriate educational opportunities to our enrollees in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Each teacher has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, and our assistant teachers hold Associate degrees in ECE or a related field. Parents are recognized as their child’s first and best teacher and are encouraged to be an active participant in their education through volunteering at the center.
Pembroke Head Start Center - Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc.
Location: Pembroke, NC - 28372
Contact Phone: (910) 521-9230
Details: Pembroke Head Start Center is located in the Robeson County town of Pembroke. Services are provided to 59 enrollees and their parents in a three classroom setting sited in the Pembroke VFW building. Pembroke has a 4 Star Rating from the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Our staff are highly qualified to deliver age and developmentally appropriate educational opportunities to our enrollees in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Each teacher has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, and our assistant teachers hold Associate degrees in ECE or a related field. Parents are recognized as their child’s first and best teacher and are encouraged to be an active participant in their education through volunteering at the center.
Red Springs Head Start Center - Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc.
Location: Red Springs, NC - 28377
Contact Phone: (910) 843-5825
Details: Red Springs Head Start Center is located in the historic Robeson County town of Red Springs. Services are provided to 100 enrollees and their parents in a five classroom setting. This center is one of our agency’s largest and was built through utilization of State Bond Funds and Health and Human Services expansion monies. This enabled our program to expand from the original one classroom setting of 20 enrollees. Red Springs has a 5 Star Rating from the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Our staff are highly qualified to deliver age and developmentally appropriate educational opportunities to our enrollees in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Each teacher has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, and our assistant teachers hold Associate degrees in ECE or a related field. Parents are recognized as their child’s first and best teacher and are encouraged to be an active participant in their education through volunteering at the center.
Rennert Head Start - Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc.
Location: Shannon, NC - 28386
Contact Phone: (910) 843-2562
Details: Rennert Head Start is located on 8986 Rennert Road in Shannon, NC 28386. This faility is family and community based and designed to enhance children’s; physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. The overall development of children enrolled in this program will benefit 3 to 4 year old children. These children will enter into kindergarten better prepared for their future educational development. This facility will provide meals, quality care, administrative service, transportation, education and Health Services. Rennert Head Start site will enroll 3 and 4 year old Head Start children. One Child Development Coordinator (On Site Director)/ Family Worker, 3 teachers/teacher assistants, and one cook. The hours of operation for Center: 8:00-3:30 Monday thru Friday.
South Robeson Head Start Center - Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc.
Location: Fairmont, NC - 28340
Contact Phone: (910) 628-7994
Details: South Robeson Head Start Center is located in the Robeson County town of Fairmont. Services are provided to 140 enrollees and their parents in a seven classroom setting. This center is our agency’s largest and was built through utilization of State Bond Funds and Health and Human Services expansion monies. Construction of this site allowed us to consolidate services previously provided at Fairmont, Marietta and Rowland Head Start Centers as well as expand enrollment from a 60 to 140. South Robeson has a 5 Star Rating from the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education. Our staff are highly qualified to deliver age and developmentally appropriate educational opportunities to our enrollees in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Each teacher has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, and our assistant teachers hold Associate degrees in ECE or a related field. Parents are recognized as their child’s first and best teacher and are encouraged to be an active participant in their education through volunteering at the center.
St. Pauls Head Start Center - Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc.
Location: Saint Pauls, NC - 28384
Contact Phone: (910) 865-4233
Details: St. Pauls Head Start Center is located in the small Robeson County town of St. Pauls. Services are provided to 32 enrollees and their parents in a two classroom setting. St. Pauls has a 5 Star Rating from the North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Child Development and Early Education. Our staff are highly qualified to deliver age and developmentally appropriate educational opportunities to our enrollees in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Each teacher has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field, and our assistant teachers hold Associate degrees in ECE or a related field. Parents are recognized as their child’s first and best teacher and are encouraged to be an active participant in their education through volunteering at the center.

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