Free Preschools >> North Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Mcdowell County

Free preschools in Mcdowell county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Mcdowell county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Mcdowell Free Preschools:

Early Head Start - McDowell County Schools Early Head Start
Location: Marion, NC - 28752
Contact Phone: (828) 652-1319
Details: Early Head Start is the infant/toddler program modeled after Head Start to serve low income pregnant mothers, infants, and toddlers the same way that Head Start serves preschoolers and their families. Early Head Start was created in 1995.
Eastfield Head Start - McDowell County Schools Head Start
Location: Marion, NC - 28752
Contact Phone: (828) 652-8220
Details: Head Start is a Federally funded, early childhood education program that started in the summer of 1965 as an eight week summer program. Over the years the program has grown and changed into a comprehensive early learning program that addresses education, nutrition, health, and social service needs of low income children ages 3-5 and their families.
Nebo Head Start - McDowell County Schools Head Start
Location: Nebo, NC - 28761
Contact Phone: (828) 652-6588
Details: Head Start is a Federally funded, early childhood education program that started in the summer of 1965 as an eight week summer program. Over the years the program has grown and changed into a comprehensive early learning program that addresses education, nutrition, health, and social service needs of low income children ages 3-5 and their families.
Sugar Hill Head Start - McDowell County Schools Head Start
Location: Marion, NC - 28752
Contact Phone: (828) 652-3229
Details: Head Start is a Federally funded, early childhood education program that started in the summer of 1965 as an eight week summer program. Over the years the program has grown and changed into a comprehensive early learning program that addresses education, nutrition, health, and social service needs of low income children ages 3-5 and their families.

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