Free Preschools >> North Carolina Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Craven County

Free preschools in Craven county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Craven county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Craven Free Preschools:

Duffyfield Child Development Center - Coastal Community Action, Inc.
Location: New Bern, NC - 28560
Contact Phone: (252) 637-4119
Details: The Duffyfield Child Development Center is housed in a former Craven County elementary school building. This five-star licensed center offers two blended NC-Pre-K/Head Start full-day part-year classrooms (36 children) and two part-day Head Start classrooms (36 children) serving a total of 72 children.
Fr Danyus Child Development Center - Coastal Community Action, Inc.
Location: New Bern, NC - 28560
Contact Phone: (252) 637-1700
Details: FRD is a five-star licensed facility centrally located between the Duffyfield and the Charles Taylor Child Development Centers. It is the largest of all the HS Centers, serving 125 HS and 32 EHS children. It, too, is housed in a former public school building. FRD has seven part-year, part-day HS classrooms, and four full-year EHS classrooms.
Godette Child Development Center - Coastal Community Action, Inc.
Location: Havelock, NC - 28532
Contact Phone: (252) 447-5059
Details: This five star center is located in the community of Harlowe, a small rural setting in eastern Craven County. Housed in the former elementary school that currently functions as a community center, GDT provides services to 126 HS children and 24 EHS children. This center operates five part-year HS classrooms (90 children), two part-year full day HS/NC-PR-K classrooms (36 children) and three full-year EHS classrooms (24 children).
James W. Smith - Coastal Community Action, Inc.
Location: Cove City, NC - 28523
Contact Phone: (252) 672-7024
Details: Craven County Public Schools have programmatic oversight for NC-Pre-K in Craven County and currently provides Head Start services to 67 children through a collaborative partnership with Craven County Family Literacy (CCFL) at two sites in the western part of Craven County. The two sites are Vanceboro Farm Life in Vanceboro, and James W. Smith in Cove City, and are unlicensed facilities as they are under public school administration. There are two classrooms at each of its two sites, serving children in blended classrooms between NC Pre-K, Even Start and Head Start.
Vanceboro Farm Life - Coastal Community Action, Inc.
Location: Vanceboro, NC - 28586
Contact Phone: (252) 244-3226
Details: Craven County Public Schools have programmatic oversight for NC-Pre-K in Craven County and currently provides Head Start services to 67 children through a collaborative partnership with Craven County Family Literacy (CCFL) at two sites in the western part of Craven County. The two sites are Vanceboro Farm Life in Vanceboro, and James W. Smith in Cove City, and are unlicensed facilities as they are under public school administration. There are two classrooms at each of its two sites, serving children in blended classrooms between NC Pre-K, Even Start and Head Start.

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