Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Yates County

Free preschools in Yates county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Yates county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Yates Free Preschools:

Pro Action Of Steuben & Yates Inc. Yates Hs/ehs - Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc.
Location: Penn Yan, NY - 14527
Contact Phone: (315) 536-6856
Details: Early Head Start is a federally funded program which offers an array of services to pregnant women and newborn to 3-year-old children and their families. Early Head Start offers activities that promote young children’s progression through the natural stages of development. As they develop, babies and toddlers pick up the skills they need to start learning in preschool and later in kindergarten. In addition, parents involved in Early Head Start increase their knowledge of infant and toddler development. Head Start is an early childhood education program that offers activities that promote health, development and kindergarten readiness skills. The Head Start program is grounded in the principle that parents are the most important teacher in their young child’s life. Therefore, the program provides parents with opportunities to work with teachers to develop an individualized plan for their child which recognizes the child’s strengths and sets goals to support the child’s growth. Parent involvement is always welcome, and family support services are available for interested families.
Penn Yan Hs/upk @ Penn Yan Elementary School - Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc.
Location: Penn Yan, NY - 14527
Contact Phone: (315) 536-6856
Details: Head Start is an early childhood education program that offers activities that promote health, development and kindergarten readiness skills. The Head Start program is grounded in the principle that parents are the most important teacher in their young child’s life. Therefore, the program provides parents with opportunities to work with teachers to develop an individualized plan for their child which recognizes the child’s strengths and sets goals to support the child’s growth. Parent involvement is always welcome, and family support services are available for interested families.

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