Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Seneca County

Free preschools in Seneca county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Seneca county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Seneca Free Preschools:

Seneca County Head Start - New York State Federation of Growers' and Processors' Associations, Inc.
Location: Seneca Falls, NY - 13148
Contact Phone: (315) 568-8774
Details: Agri-Business Child Development (ABCD), founded in 1946, is committed to providing the highest quality early childhood education and social services to farm worker and other eligible families across New York State. Children, 8 weeks old through school age, benefit from the culturally and linguistically diverse programming recognized nationally as a hallmark of Agri-Business Child Development. Agri-Business Child Development has provided services to the agricultural community in Seneca County and the surrounding area since 1966. In 1992, ABCD was awarded a grant to provide Head Start services in Seneca County. Services began in two classrooms in the agency’s Geneva center. A third classroom was soon added and, in 1994, a fourth classroom was opened off-site in Romulus, NY. In 2002, ABCD purchased a 5,126 square foot building in Seneca Falls facilitating the provision of Seneca County Head Start services to children in the northern end of the county. Support from Region II Head Start enabled ABCD at Seneca Falls ~ Seneca County Head Start to serve an additional 17 children bringing the program to a total of 102 slots. ABCD at Seneca Falls reorganized in 2005 in response to a greater need for services in Northern Seneca County. The Romulus site was closed and the Seneca Falls site was redesigned to serve 90 children in center-based programming and 12 families in a new home based program. The home based program brings educational, health, and social services directly into the home. A qualified home visitor makes weekly individual visits and facilitates bi-weekly group socializations.

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