Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Schenectady County

Free preschools in Schenectady county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Schenectady county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Schenectady Free Preschools:

Parsons Early Head Start - Parsons Child & Family Center
Location: Schenectady, NY - 12304
Contact Phone: (518) 292-5515
Details: Early Head Start at Parsons Early Learning Center is a federally funded program for families who are pregnant or have children from birth to age 3. The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and offers both a home visiting component and a center base (day care) component. Program staff help parents with the changes and needs of their family that come with having a small child, and parents learn ways to help their children meet all milestones, including helping the family ensure the child is healthy, developmentally on target, and ready for the world. School readiness, including literacy, is a major component of the Early Head Start program. Help give your child the most valuable gift of all - a loving, nurturing and happy family. The Early Head Start program is located at the Parsons Early Learning Center at 125 Bigelow Avenue in Schenectady. There are eight classrooms for the 62 infants and toddlers in the center-based program. Each classroom is staffed with two highly trained and skilled teachers. In addition, 58 children are served with weekly visits by highly trained and skilled staff in the home visiting model. Staff follow a developmentally appropriate curriculum both in the home and in the center to ensure quality care and learning is achieved.
Scap Head Start - Bellevue Center - Schenectady Community Action Program, Inc.
Location: Schenectady, NY - 12306
Contact Phone: (518) 377-7300
Details: SCAP operates a comprehensive pre-school program including Head Start, Universal Pre-K (UPK) and Priority Pre-K (PPK), for children age three to five. The program enriches children’s learning experiences, engages parents in the education of their children, places an emphasis on family support services, fosters social and emotional growth and prepares children for kindergarten and continued success in school. In addition to our center-based program, SCAP provides home-based services for 30 children and families which includes a weekly teacher visit along with bi-weekly socialization sessions for families to interact with other home-based famiies.
Scap Head Start - Bigelow Center - Schenectady Community Action Program, Inc.
Location: Schenectady, NY - 12304
Contact Phone: (518) 377-8539
Details: SCAP operates a comprehensive pre-school program including Head Start, Universal Pre-K (UPK) and Priority Pre-K (PPK), for children age three to five. The program enriches children’s learning experiences, engages parents in the education of their children, places an emphasis on family support services, fosters social and emotional growth and prepares children for kindergarten and continued success in school. In addition to our center-based program, SCAP provides home-based services for 30 children and families which includes a weekly teacher visit along with bi-weekly socialization sessions for families to interact with other home-based famiies.
Scap Head Start - Glen Worden Center - Schenectady Community Action Program, Inc.
Location: Scotia, NY - 12302
Contact Phone: (518) 381-4195
Details: SCAP operates a comprehensive pre-school program including Head Start, Universal Pre-K (UPK) and Priority Pre-K (PPK), for children age three to five. The program enriches children’s learning experiences, engages parents in the education of their children, places an emphasis on family support services, fosters social and emotional growth and prepares children for kindergarten and continued success in school. In addition to our center-based program, SCAP provides home-based services for 30 children and families which includes a weekly teacher visit along with bi-weekly socialization sessions for families to interact with other home-based famiies.
Scap Head Start - Yates Center - Schenectady Community Action Program, Inc.
Location: Schenectady, NY - 12308
Contact Phone: (518) 381-4195
Details: SCAP operates a comprehensive pre-school program including Head Start, Universal Pre-K (UPK) and Priority Pre-K (PPK), for children age three to five. The program enriches children’s learning experiences, engages parents in the education of their children, places an emphasis on family support services, fosters social and emotional growth and prepares children for kindergarten and continued success in school. In addition to our center-based program, SCAP provides home-based services for 30 children and families which includes a weekly teacher visit along with bi-weekly socialization sessions for families to interact with other home-based famiies.

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