Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Putnam County

Free preschools in Putnam county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Putnam county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Putnam Free Preschools:

Putnam Head Start - Westchester Community Opportunity Program, Inc.
Location: Brewster, NY - 10509
Contact Phone: (845) 363-6270
Details: WestCOP’s Early Childhood Program serves almost 2,000 income-eligible children and families in helping them reach their optimal potential within 21 Head Start and Early Head Start centers throughout Westchester and Putnam Counties. The Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide comprehensive child development services for children from birth to five years, and focus on the goals of promoting social competence and school readiness for each child. Because Head Start believes that parents and families are a child’s first and best teacher, partnerships with families are considered an important and integral part of the Head Start experience. Through these partnerships, parents are: Encouraged to become involved in all aspects of the Head Start program; Empowered to become advocates for their children and themselves; Inspired to pursue the goals they have identified. In addition to partnering with parents, WestCOP’s Head Start program actively collaborates with a wide range of community agencies. These collaborations serve to ensure that resources are available for the children and families as they progress towards their goals. We engage in extensive outreach and education among low-income families in the communities we serve.

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