Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Oneida County

Free preschools in Oneida county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Oneida county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Oneida Free Preschools:

Nd Peters - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13501
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
John F. Hughes - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13501
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Adirondack Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Boonville, NY - 13309
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Calvary Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13501
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
Camden Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Camden, NY - 13316
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Cornerstone - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13501
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
Gore Road Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Rome, NY - 13440
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
Griffiss Child Development Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Rome, NY - 13440
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
Martin Luther King Site - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13501
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Ney Ave Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13502
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
River Road Center - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Utica, NY - 13502
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Head Start: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning. Early Head Start: Promotes healthy prenatal outcomes, promotes healthy family functioning, and strengthens the development of infants and toddlers beginning as young as newborn infants.
Sauquoit Site - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Sauquoit, NY - 13456
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Vvs - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Verona, NY - 13478
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Waterville Site - Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Inc.
Location: Waterville, NY - 13480
Contact Phone: (315) 624-9930
Details: Helps to create healthy development in low-income children ages three to five. Programs offer a wide variety of services, that depend on a child's and each family's heritage and experience, to influence all aspects of a child's development and learning.

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