Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in New York County

Free preschools in New York county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in New York county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

New York Free Preschools:

Playgarden Prep -
Location: New York, NY - 10013
Contact Phone: 12129659717

Playgarden Prep is NYC's #1 preschool, with curriculum that has been developed and proven for over 15 years.

Early Life Center 11 - Lutheran Social Services of NY Early LIFE
Location: New York, NY - 10039
Contact Phone: (646) 478-7949
Details: Early LIFE Early Childhood Education program has a commitment to provide superior early childhood education experiences in our center-based and home-based environments within the New York City area. Early LIFE offers traditional child-care, Early Head Start and Head Start and Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs.
Early Life Center - Lutheran Social Services of NY Early LIFE
Location: New York, NY - 10037
Contact Phone: (212) 933-1815
Details: Early LIFE Early Childhood Education program has a commitment to provide superior early childhood education experiences in our center-based and home-based environments within the New York City area. Early LIFE offers traditional child-care, Early Head Start and Head Start and Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs.
Early Life Center 14 - Lutheran Social Services of NY Early LIFE
Location: New York, NY - 10031
Contact Phone: (646) 449-0814
Details: Early LIFE Early Childhood Education program has a commitment to provide superior early childhood education experiences in our center-based and home-based environments within the New York City area. Early LIFE offers traditional child-care, Early Head Start and Head Start and Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs.
Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc. Project Growth - Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10025
Contact Phone: (212) 663-4070
Details: The Bloomingdale Family Program's mission is to serve preschool children from low-income families in upper Manhattan. Our educational program fosters children's growth in all areas of development — intellectual, physical, and emotional - and builds a foundation for success as they begin their educational journey. We welcome children with special needs and provide the individual support services they need to become competent and successful learners. Parents are our partners in the educational process. At Bloomingdale they gain experience to become advocates for their children and to reach toward their own aspirations. The Bloomingdale Family Program is committed to maintaining its outreach as a model in early childhood and parent education. In keeping with more than fifty years of service, we continue to explore and strive to meet the evolving needs of our community.
University Settlement Early Head Start - University Settlement Society Of New York
Location: New York, NY - 10038
Contact Phone: (212) 453-4511
Details: Nominated for consideration as a National Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Education, the Early Head Start program provides child care services to eligible families with children under age three with comprehensive center-based programs and home visits.
80 Pitt Street Community Center - Grand Street Settlement
Location: New York, NY - 10002
Contact Phone: (212) 674-1740
Details: From a healthy pregnancy to family teamwork, we get everyone ready for success with both home and center-based services. This program is free for eligible families.
Dorothy Day Early Childhood Center - Broadway Housing Communities, Inc
Location: New York, NY - 10031
Contact Phone: (212) 862-7155
Details: Dorothy Day Early Childhood Center provides a full-day center-based Head Start program for three to five year-olds. The Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 2:45 pm from September through July. Serving over 50 families from Dorothy Day Apartments and the neighboring community, the early childhood education program combines the use of an arts-based curriculum and a safe, stimulating environment to create meaningful experiences for children. By focusing on nurturing eight development domains, children are able to develop critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity that support their future educational success. Our dedicated and highly trained teaching staff focus on creating active learning experiences around art, object-based learning, literacy, character building, physical activity and social and emotional development. The Center also offers comprehensive supportive services in the areas of nutrition, health, dental care, special education, parent skill workshops and social services.
Manhattan Child & Family Center - Grand Street Settlement
Location: New York, NY - 10002
Contact Phone: (212) 228-8240
Details: From a healthy pregnancy to family teamwork, we get everyone ready for success with both home and center-based services. This program is free for eligible families.
Odyssey House Manor Facility - Northside Center for Child Development
Location: New York, NY - 10029
Contact Phone: (212) 987-5100
Details: Northside Center’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide a comprehensive child and family development program for low-income pregnant women and children birth to age five. In addition to early childhood education, children and families receive health and nutrition services, family development support, access to mental health services, as well as supports for children with disabilities. The goal of the program is to improve child and family outcomes including school readiness, by providing a continuum of comprehensive services that support child development and family functioning.
University Settlement Early Head Start - University Settlement Society Of New York
Location: New York, NY - 10002
Contact Phone: (212) 453-4511
Details: Nominated for consideration as a National Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Education, the Early Head Start program provides child care services to eligible families with children under age three with comprehensive center-based programs and home visits.
Mama Tingo Early Head Start - Dominican Women's Development Center
Location: New York, NY - 10040
Contact Phone: (212) 994-6060
Details: Early Head Start provides parenting support to pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers. We promote healthy prenatal outcomes and focus on healthy development and school readiness for infants and toddlers. Families are able to take part in parenting workshops and receive health and nutrition information. DWDC helps parents and children develop strong bonds to ensure healthy physical, social and cognitive development and reinforce positive parenting and strong family ties.
The Harlem Children's Zone - Grads Early Head Start - Harlem Children's Zone
Location: New York, NY - 10027
Contact Phone: (646) 668‐5880
Details: We introduced The Baby College® GRADS (Guardians Responding and Developing Strategies) program in 2010 to give graduates of The Baby College® an opportunity to deepen both their understanding of child development and their relationships with one another. Drawing on the most recent scientific research in infant and toddler brain development, GRADS staff help parents learn how to build strong interactions with their children, create a literacy-rich environment, and foster early language skills through weekly home visits and biweekly group meetings. While the training is intensive, the mood is light. Meetings have the informal, convivial feel of a neighborhood play group, with parents learning how to stimulate their children’s minds and growth through basic everyday activities. Indeed, any moment can be a teachable one-even a simple trip to the grocery store is a chance to explore, educate, and bond with their children. GRADS ensures that caregivers receive the education and support they need during the pivotal first three years of their children’s lives, working with them consistently until they transition to the next program in our pipeline, The Three-Year-Old Journey.
Abc / Cassidy's Place - Association to Benefit Children
Location: New York, NY - 10028
Contact Phone: (212) 845-3821
Details: At Cassidy’s Place, preschoolers who live in poverty, have serious developmental and medical disabilities, as well as children who are homeless, in foster care, or have suffered abuse, violence, and neglect, are able to play, learn, and thrive in nine dynamic classrooms and two outdoor play spaces. Blending Head Start, Preschool Special Education, and Universal Pre-Kindergarten, Cassidy’s Place offers its young students a full day of learning and exploration in a safe and stimulating setting that is augmented by comprehensive wrap-around support services for each child and every family member.
Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc. Main Office - Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10025
Contact Phone: (212) 663-4067
Details: The Bloomingdale Family Program's mission is to serve preschool children from low-income families in upper Manhattan. Our educational program fosters children's growth in all areas of development — intellectual, physical, and emotional - and builds a foundation for success as they begin their educational journey. We welcome children with special needs and provide the individual support services they need to become competent and successful learners. Parents are our partners in the educational process. At Bloomingdale they gain experience to become advocates for their children and to reach toward their own aspirations. The Bloomingdale Family Program is committed to maintaining its outreach as a model in early childhood and parent education. In keeping with more than fifty years of service, we continue to explore and strive to meet the evolving needs of our community.
Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc. Project Hope - Bloomingdale Family Program, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10025
Contact Phone: (212) 665-4631
Details: The Bloomingdale Family Program's mission is to serve preschool children from low-income families in upper Manhattan. Our educational program fosters children's growth in all areas of development — intellectual, physical, and emotional - and builds a foundation for success as they begin their educational journey. We welcome children with special needs and provide the individual support services they need to become competent and successful learners. Parents are our partners in the educational process. At Bloomingdale they gain experience to become advocates for their children and to reach toward their own aspirations. The Bloomingdale Family Program is committed to maintaining its outreach as a model in early childhood and parent education. In keeping with more than fifty years of service, we continue to explore and strive to meet the evolving needs of our community.
Chinatown Head Start - Chinese Community Concerns Corporation
Location: New York, NY - 10012
Contact Phone: (212) 226-5000
Columbia University Head Start - Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
Location: New York, NY - 10040
Contact Phone: (212) 923-5237
Details: Columbia University Head Start (CUHS) provides services to 300 low-income children and their families from birth to age five, as well as to pregnant women. Led by Carmen Rodriguez, PhD, the program’s target population is primarily immigrant Latino children from the Northern Manhattan community. Head Start services are provided through a combination of center-based groups and home visits by a bilingual, multidisciplinary staff. In 1990, a team of Public Health and Pediatrics faculty were determined to solidly root preventative services for the community through in university sponsored program. With its focus on the whole child and the centrality of the parent’s role in child development, Head Start met that goal. Today, CUHS is a fixture in the Northern Manhattan community, providing holistic preventative and educational services to children and families.
Community Life Center, Inc. - Mt. Morris Site - Community Life Center, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10027
Contact Phone: (212) 427-3000
Details: Community Life Center, Inc. Mission Statement: Will provide comprehensive services to families, especially young children, in the Harlem and related communities (1953) The goals for the agency are: To create programs for the total development of the pre-school child, based upon his/her need, and those of his/her family and community; To support parents in the development of skills and opportunities to gain control of their own destines; To help provide an atmosphere in which new institutions can evolve and in which old institutions are forced to be aware or responsive to needs of the communiy; To enable the child and his or her family to develop a positive self image so that they may partake fully in the economy, in politics and the cultural and social aspects of the community.
Community Life Center, Inc. - Taino Towers Site - Community Life Center, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10035
Contact Phone: (212) 427-6800
Details: Community Life Center, Inc. Mission Statement: Will provide comprehensive services to families, especially young children, in the Harlem and related communities (1953) The goals for the agency are: To create programs for the total development of the pre-school child, based upon his/her need, and those of his/her family and community; To support parents in the development of skills and opportunities to gain control of their own destines; To help provide an atmosphere in which new institutions can evolve and in which old institutions are forced to be aware or responsive to needs of the communiy; To enable the child and his or her family to develop a positive self image so that they may partake fully in the economy, in politics and the cultural and social aspects of the community.
Dewitt Reformed Church Head Start - DeWitt Reformed Church Head Start
Location: New York, NY - 10002
Contact Phone: (212) 254-3070
Details: DeWitt provides a warm atmosphere where children and families can form positive relationships with a learning school environment. 1. Children graduated from program have reached a progressive rate of success in their transition into Elementary Education. 2. Parents have reported a high achievement of success from Kindergarten to High School 3. Reduction of children becoming neglect indicators of success such as, being held back, needing special educational services and remediation, and dropping out of school.
Drew Hamilton Early Childhood - The Children's Aid Society
Location: New York, NY - 10030
Contact Phone: (212) 281-9555
Details: Pre-school programs instill a respect for others and a lifelong love of learning. The Children’s Aid Society uses a comprehensive approach to the education of our youngest children - from birth to age five - that enables us to serve more than 1,000 pre-school children in 14 different programs. Helping children develop a greater sense of self, a respect for others and a lifelong love of learning are the guiding principles of our work with pre-schoolers. Improving parental engagement in their children’s education is also a priority. Our inclusive programs focus on meeting the social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs of the child as a whole. The curriculum enriches children’s development while being sensitive to individual abilities and learning styles. We recognize that each child’s family, culture and community play a vital role in their whole development. Children learn through active exploration in their environment and through meaningful interactions with peers and adults. Children's Aid currently serves children through our Early Learn NYC, Early Head Start, Head Start, UPK and private fee-based programs in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island. All Children's Aid Early Childhood Programs are licensed by The New York City Department of Health.
Early Life Center 13 - Lutheran Social Services of NY Early LIFE
Location: New York, NY - 10039
Contact Phone: (646) 360-4093
Details: Early LIFE Early Childhood Education program has a commitment to provide superior early childhood education experiences in our center-based and home-based environments within the New York City area. Early LIFE offers traditional child-care, Early Head Start and Head Start and Universal Pre-Kindergarten programs.
East Harlem Council Bilingual Head Start (site I) - East Harlem Council Bilingual Head Start Program
Location: New York, NY - 10029
Contact Phone: (212) 427-9010
East Harlem Council Bilingual Head Start (site Ii) - East Harlem Council Bilingual Head Start Program
Location: New York, NY - 10029
Contact Phone: (212) 427-9010
Ecdo Head Start Center - Ecumenical Community Development Organization
Location: New York, NY - 10030
Contact Phone: (212) 234-8135
Details: ECDO, Forever Harlem is a not for profit community based organization with over 30 years experience providing community based, human, social and economic services to the residents of Harlem. ECDO, Forever Harlem is continually committed to improving the overall quality of life to residents of Harlem, from the development of affordable housing, educational services at ECDO’s Early Childhood Educational Center to making a significant difference to thousands of young adults through youth mentoring programs and employment and placement services to all residents of Harlem.
Escuela Hispana Headstart - Escuela Hispana Montessori
Location: New York, NY - 10002
Contact Phone: (212) 982-6650
Fort George Community Enrichment Center, Inc. - St. Nicholas - Fort George Community Enrichment Center, Inc.
Location: New York, NY - 10033
Contact Phone: (212) 927-2210
Details: Ft. George provides a high quality education program that allow children to acquire skills and competence to cope effectively with the present environment and later responsibilities in school and everyday life. Ft. George recognizes, respects and supports the diversity of children attending the program by providing the children with various experiences, activities and material with increasing complexity and challenges as children develop. Ft. George utilizes the Creative Curriculum to design developmentally appropriate learning environments and experiences for children. The curriculum reflects the interest and strengths of individual children responding to their differing styles and paces of learning and respecting the varying languages and cultures in the community that Ft. George services.
Franklin Plaza Early Childhood Center - Union Settlement Association
Location: New York, NY - 10029
Contact Phone: (212) 828-6413
Details: Union Settlement is an on-the-ground resource for East Harlem residents of all ages, and a passionate advocate for the needs of underserved communities. Since opening our doors in 1895, we have brought education, wellness and community-building programs to our neighborhood, empowering New Yorkers with opportunities to better their lives. By helping our neighbors realize their goals, we build the vitality and success of East Harlem.
Frederick Douglass - The Children's Aid Society
Location: New York, NY - 10025
Contact Phone: (212) 865-6337
Details: Pre-school programs instill a respect for others and a lifelong love of learning. The Children’s Aid Society uses a comprehensive approach to the education of our youngest children - from birth to age five - that enables us to serve more than 1,000 pre-school children in 14 different programs. Helping children develop a greater sense of self, a respect for others and a lifelong love of learning are the guiding principles of our work with pre-schoolers. Improving parental engagement in their children’s education is also a priority. Our inclusive programs focus on meeting the social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs of the child as a whole. The curriculum enriches children’s development while being sensitive to individual abilities and learning styles. We recognize that each child’s family, culture and community play a vital role in their whole development. Children learn through active exploration in their environment and through meaningful interactions with peers and adults. Children's Aid currently serves children through our Early Learn NYC, Early Head Start, Head Start, UPK and private fee-based programs in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island. All Children's Aid Early Childhood Programs are licensed by The New York City Department of Health.

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