Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Chemung County

Free preschools in Chemung county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Chemung county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Chemung Free Preschools:

A'don Allen - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14901
Contact Phone: (607) 737-7208
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Able 2 - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14904
Contact Phone: (607) 732-5583
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Boces - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14903
Contact Phone: (607) 739-3581
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Booth Elementary - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14901
Contact Phone: (607) 734-1024
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Broad Street School - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Horseheads, NY - 14845
Contact Phone: (607) 796-2614
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Chemung - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Chemung, NY - 14825
Contact Phone: (607) 529-8897
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Ernie Davis Family Center - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14901
Contact Phone: (607) 734-6208
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.
Seventh Day Adventist School - Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung, Inc
Location: Elmira, NY - 14904
Contact Phone: (607) 733-8641
Details: Head Start equips children from lower income families with the same opportunities and knowledge that their peers from higher income families are able to obtain. Registration is open year round; Registration open if your child is turning 3, is 3 years old, or is 4 years of age; Being potty trained is not required.

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