Free Preschools >> New York Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Albany County

Free preschools in Albany county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Albany county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Albany Free Preschools:

Ravena Head Start - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Ravena, NY - 12143
Contact Phone: (518) 756-4206
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom
Ann Klose Head Start - Ak 1st Site - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Albany, NY - 12210
Contact Phone: (518) 432-9622
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom
Early Learning Center (elc) Site - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Albany, NY - 12210
Contact Phone: (518) 463-3175
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom
Ogden Mills Head Start - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Cohoes, NY - 12047
Contact Phone: (518) 237-1395
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom
Olivia Rorie Head Start - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Albany, NY - 12202
Contact Phone: (518) 462-5411
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom
Watervliet Head Start/upk - Albany Community Action Partnership
Location: Watervliet, NY - 12189
Contact Phone: (518) 629-3416
Details: Head Start/Early Head Start provides comprehensive programming individualized based on the strengths and needs of each child. Children learn through play, supported by an evidence based curriculum. Programming includes: Social and Emotional development; Language and Communication Skills; Number Skills; Health and Nutrition programming; Family development; Support of children with special needs within the classroom

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