Free Preschools >> Massachusetts Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Middlesex County

Free preschools in Middlesex county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Middlesex county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Middlesex Free Preschools:

Abcd Head Start At Liberty St. - Action For Boston Community Development, Inc.
Location: Everett, MA - 02149
Contact Phone: (781) 397-8071
Details: ABCD Head Start and Children's Services is the largest early childhood education program in Boston. We have established ourselves as national experts in the field of early childhood development with a proven track record of serving low-income families. Unlike traditional child care and other early education programs, Head Start focuses on preparing children for school, working to develop each child's social and learning skills through: High Quality Education; Individualized Curriculum; Family Case Management; Disability Services and Support; Mental Health Services for Children and Families; Meal Plans; Health Screenings (Including Dental, Vision and Hearing).
Abcd Head Start At Main St. - Action For Boston Community Development, Inc.
Location: Malden, MA - 02148
Contact Phone: (781) 397-8071
Details: ABCD's Main Street Head Start offers comprehensive services to families and children ages 3-5 years that include: High Quality Education; Individualized Curriculum; Family Education and Services; Special Needs Services and Support; Mental Health Services and Support for Children and Families; Individualized Meal Plans; Health Screenings (Including Dental, Vision and Hearing)
Abcd Head Start At Salem St. - Action For Boston Community Development, Inc.
Location: Malden, MA - 02148
Contact Phone: (781) 397-8071
Details: ABCD's Salem Street Head Start offers comprehensive services to families and children ages 3-5 years that include: High Quality Education; Individualized Curriculum; Family Education and Services; Special Needs Services and Support; Mental Health Services and Support for Children and Families; Individualized Meal Plans; Health Screenings (Including Dental, Vision and Hearing)
Riverside Early Head Start - Riverside Community Care Inc.
Location: Somerville, MA - 02145
Contact Phone: (617) 629-6652
Details: Riverside Early Head Start is a program for low-income families with infants and toddlers, as well as pregnant women. The program is designed to support families by promoting healthy prenatal care, infant/toddler care, and the well-being of the entire family. The goal is to give their young children a head start in their intellectual, social, and emotional development. With sensitivity to families whose first language is not English, the Early Head Start program reflects the diversity of the community it serves. Our employees often speak two languages and our programs are respectful of the various cultural norms practiced within each family.
Head Start @ Parker Avenue Elementary - Community Teamwork, Inc.
Location: Dracut, MA - 01826
Contact Phone: (978) 957-3102
Details: Community Teamwork offers four center-based Head Start/Early Head Start early learning programs that include the Community Teamwork James Houlares Early Learning Center, the Children’s Village at the Mill, Parker Avenue Elementary (Dracut) and the Lowell Collaborative Preschool Academy (in conjunction with Lowell Public Schools and Little Sprouts). Community Teamwork also offers the home-based Home Visiting Program for Early Head Start and Head Start where the focus of service delivery is in the home. The Early Learning center-based programs are part of the national Head Start program that promotes school readiness by providing quality education services to children in a nurturing, safe environment and comprehensive community-based services to children and families. Eligible children and families receive services in the areas of education and care (including individualized curriculum in all learning areas), health, child literacy, nutrition, and social-emotional development. The center programs also offer other services, if needed, based on the Family Needs Assessment. These programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The programs accept eligible 3 and 4 year old children until they are age eligible for Kindergarten. Early Head Start accepts eligible infants and toddlers. The program’s overall mission is to support and ensure families stay or become self-sufficient.
Ashland Head Start - South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc.
Location: Ashland, MA - 01721
Contact Phone: (508) 820-8380
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive early education and support services for children ages three to five and their families. In addition to providing center-based and home-based preschool education, the program provides supportive services in the areas of health and dental care, nutrition, special education, parent skill workshops and social services. Children are provided with a daily lunch and breakfast or snack, which meet all federal, and state nutrition guidelines. Door-to-door transportation is provided at many of the centers. Classrooms typically operate from September through May, Mondays through Fridays and from 8:30am to 2pm.
Framingham Head Start/child Care - South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc.
Location: Framingham, MA - 01702
Contact Phone: (508) 820-8380
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive early education and support services for children ages three to five and their families. In addition to providing center-based and home-based preschool education, the program provides supportive services in the areas of health and dental care, nutrition, special education, parent skill workshops and social services. Children are provided with a daily lunch and breakfast or snack, which meet all federal, and state nutrition guidelines. Door-to-door transportation is provided at many of the centers. Classrooms typically operate from September through May, Mondays through Fridays and from 8:30am to 2pm.
James Houlares Early Learning Center - Community Teamwork, Inc.
Location: Lowell, MA - 01852
Contact Phone: (978) 454-5100
Details: Community Teamwork offers four center-based Head Start/Early Head Start early learning programs that include the Community Teamwork James Houlares Early Learning Center, the Children’s Village at the Mill, Parker Avenue Elementary (Dracut) and the Lowell Collaborative Preschool Academy (in conjunction with Lowell Public Schools and Little Sprouts). Community Teamwork also offers the home-based Home Visiting Program for Early Head Start and Head Start where the focus of service delivery is in the home. The Early Learning center-based programs are part of the national Head Start program that promotes school readiness by providing quality education services to children in a nurturing, safe environment and comprehensive community-based services to children and families. Eligible children and families receive services in the areas of education and care (including individualized curriculum in all learning areas), health, child literacy, nutrition, and social-emotional development. The center programs also offer other services, if needed, based on the Family Needs Assessment. These programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The programs accept eligible 3 and 4 year old children until they are age eligible for Kindergarten. Early Head Start accepts eligible infants and toddlers. The program’s overall mission is to support and ensure families stay or become self-sufficient.
Lowell Collaborative Preschool Academy - Community Teamwork, Inc.
Location: Lowell, MA - 01854
Contact Phone: (978) 454-3350
Details: Community Teamwork offers four center-based Head Start/Early Head Start early learning programs that include the Community Teamwork James Houlares Early Learning Center, the Children’s Village at the Mill, Parker Avenue Elementary (Dracut) and the Lowell Collaborative Preschool Academy (in conjunction with Lowell Public Schools and Little Sprouts). Community Teamwork also offers the home-based Home Visiting Program for Early Head Start and Head Start where the focus of service delivery is in the home. The Early Learning center-based programs are part of the national Head Start program that promotes school readiness by providing quality education services to children in a nurturing, safe environment and comprehensive community-based services to children and families. Eligible children and families receive services in the areas of education and care (including individualized curriculum in all learning areas), health, child literacy, nutrition, and social-emotional development. The center programs also offer other services, if needed, based on the Family Needs Assessment. These programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The programs accept eligible 3 and 4 year old children until they are age eligible for Kindergarten. Early Head Start accepts eligible infants and toddlers. The program’s overall mission is to support and ensure families stay or become self-sufficient.
Marlboro B & G - South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc.
Location: Marlborough, MA - 01752
Contact Phone: (508) 820-8380
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive early education and support services for children ages three to five and their families. In addition to providing center-based and home-based preschool education, the program provides supportive services in the areas of health and dental care, nutrition, special education, parent skill workshops and social services. Children are provided with a daily lunch and breakfast or snack, which meet all federal, and state nutrition guidelines. Door-to-door transportation is provided at many of the centers. Classrooms typically operate from September through May, Mondays through Fridays and from 8:30am to 2pm.
Marlboro Head Start/child Care - South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc.
Location: Marlborough, MA - 01752
Contact Phone: (508) 820-8380
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive early education and support services for children ages three to five and their families. In addition to providing center-based and home-based preschool education, the program provides supportive services in the areas of health and dental care, nutrition, special education, parent skill workshops and social services. Children are provided with a daily lunch and breakfast or snack, which meet all federal, and state nutrition guidelines. Door-to-door transportation is provided at many of the centers. Classrooms typically operate from September through May, Mondays through Fridays and from 8:30am to 2pm.
Newton-watertown Creative Start - Communities United, Inc.
Location: Newton, MA - 02458
Contact Phone: (617) 527-6689
Details: Communities United, Inc.’s mission is to provide high quality education and family services to a diverse population of children, ages 0 to 5 years. CUI receives funding to provide subsidized care from both the Federal Government (for Head Start and Early Head Start), and from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care (EEC) for a full-day and extended-day preschool program.
The Children’s Village At The Mill - Community Teamwork, Inc.
Location: Lowell, MA - 01852
Contact Phone: (978) 453-1490
Details: Community Teamwork offers four center-based Head Start/Early Head Start early learning programs that include the Community Teamwork James Houlares Early Learning Center, the Children’s Village at the Mill, Parker Avenue Elementary (Dracut) and the Lowell Collaborative Preschool Academy (in conjunction with Lowell Public Schools and Little Sprouts). Community Teamwork also offers the home-based Home Visiting Program for Early Head Start and Head Start where the focus of service delivery is in the home. The Early Learning center-based programs are part of the national Head Start program that promotes school readiness by providing quality education services to children in a nurturing, safe environment and comprehensive community-based services to children and families. Eligible children and families receive services in the areas of education and care (including individualized curriculum in all learning areas), health, child literacy, nutrition, and social-emotional development. The center programs also offer other services, if needed, based on the Family Needs Assessment. These programs are licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The programs accept eligible 3 and 4 year old children until they are age eligible for Kindergarten. Early Head Start accepts eligible infants and toddlers. The program’s overall mission is to support and ensure families stay or become self-sufficient.
Waltham Creative Start - Communities United, Inc.
Location: Waltham, MA - 02453
Contact Phone: (781) 647-0542
Details: In 1970, a group of concerned parents, town officials and community volunteers formed Communities United, Inc., then a pilot program supported solely by Head Start funding with the purpose of providing comprehensive services in education, social services, health and parenting.
Woburn Creative Start - Communities United, Inc.
Location: Woburn, MA - 01801
Contact Phone: (781) 932-9578
Details: Communities United, Inc.’s mission is to provide high quality education and family services to a diverse population of children, ages 0 to 5 years. CUI receives funding to provide subsidized care from both the Federal Government (for Head Start and Early Head Start), and from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education & Care (EEC) for a full-day and extended-day preschool program.
Caas Head Start @ Frisoli Center - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Cambridge, MA - 02141
Contact Phone: (617) 864-1138
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ Jack Hamilton Center - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Somerville, MA - 02143
Contact Phone: (617) 623-2400
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ Jefferson Park - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Cambridge, MA - 02140
Contact Phone: (617) 661-1679
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ Mystic Center - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Somerville, MA - 02145
Contact Phone: (617) 623-2270
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ North Street Center - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Somerville, MA - 02144
Contact Phone: (617) 625-5588
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ Roosevelt Towers - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Cambridge, MA - 02141
Contact Phone: (617) 864-6584
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.
Caas Head Start @ Windsor Street Center - Community Action Agency of Somerville
Location: Cambridge, MA - 02139
Contact Phone: (617) 868-1922
Details: CAAS Head Start is a free pre-school program that supports the learning and development of children from ages 3 to 5 in classrooms located throughout the cities of Somerville and Cambridge with full and part-day options. CAAS Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children. CAAS Head Start provides comprehensive services for children and families and follows the National Head Start Program Performance Standards. Head Start is a free program for all income eligible families with priority enrollment for children in foster care, children with disabilities, and children whose families are homeless.

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