Free Preschools >> Massachusetts Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Bristol County

Free preschools in Bristol county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Bristol county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Bristol Free Preschools:

Associates For Human Services, Inc. - Ehs @ Days Of Discovery - Associates for Human Services, Inc.
Location: New Bedford, MA - 02745
Contact Phone: (508) 880-0202
Details: Our Early Head Start center-based program (EHS) provides free comprehensive services and supports to families with children birth to age 3 in one our partnership child care centers, who meet income eligibility guidelines and are working full time. Service areas include Brockton, Fall River, and New Bedford. Comprehensive services in both our program options include child development, dental health, mental health, nutrition, parent engagement, safety, school readiness, social services and wellness. Early Head Start is funded through a federal grant by the Department of Health and Human Services. Early Head Start is an equal opportunity provider and supports children of all abilities and families from all cultures.
Associates For Human Services, Inc. - Norton Socialization - Associates for Human Services, Inc.
Location: Norton, MA - 02766
Contact Phone: (508) 880-0202
Details: Our Early Head Start center-based program (EHS) provides free comprehensive services and supports to families with children birth to age 3 in one our partnership child care centers, who meet income eligibility guidelines and are working full time. Service areas include Brockton, Fall River, and New Bedford. Comprehensive services in both our program options include child development, dental health, mental health, nutrition, parent engagement, safety, school readiness, social services and wellness. Early Head Start is funded through a federal grant by the Department of Health and Human Services. Early Head Start is an equal opportunity provider and supports children of all abilities and families from all cultures.
Fay's Place - Triumph, Inc.
Location: Taunton, MA - 02780
Contact Phone: (508) 822-5388
Details: Triumph, Inc. has operated the Head Start program for Taunton and Raynham, MA since the program's inception in 1965. Head Start is a federally funded preschool program for 3-5 year old children based on income eligibility. Head Start promotes the school readiness of children by enhancing their cognitive, social/emotional and physical development. Triumph strives to reinforce the role of the parent as the child's primary teacher. Children participating in our Head Start program participate in high quality education programming, eat healthy meals and snacks, and receive health and developmental screenings. Their families are encouraged to participate in program governance, workshops, meetings and special events and all families are assigned a Family Engagement Specialist who helps connect the family to resources in the community. Transportation to and from school is offered for eligible children. Triumph's Head Start program operates during the school year and children attend four hours daily. Extended day services are available 7:30am-5:30pm, 52 weeks per year for families who meet eligilbilty requirements. Triumph's Early Head Start program provides services to children under the age of 3 and pregnant women. Triumph will offer two options in our Early Head Start program. Center Based Early Head Start will be available for families who are working or attending school full- time and who have or are eligible to receive a child care subsidy from the state. Classrooms in the program operate full day (7:30 AM - 5:30 PM) 52 weeks per year.
Aldrich - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Fall River, MA - 02723
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Bennie Costa Head Start Center - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Fall River, MA - 02721
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Heritage Heights - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Fall River, MA - 02720
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Maple Center - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Fall River, MA - 02720
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Norton Head Start - Self Help, Inc.
Location: Norton, MA - 02766
Contact Phone: (508) 285-5021
Details: The Self Help Head Start Program provides a comprehensive developmental service for low-income, pre-school children ages 3 to 5 years of age, primarily. Head Start also provides social services for their families. Specific services for children focus on education, socio-emotional development, physical and mental health , and nutrition.
Ocean Grove - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Swansea, MA - 02777
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Quinn Center - Triumph, Inc.
Location: Taunton, MA - 02780
Contact Phone: (508) 823-4710
Details: Triumph, Inc. has operated the Head Start program for Taunton and Raynham, MA since the program's inception in 1965. Head Start is a federally funded preschool program for 3-5 year old children based on income eligibility. Head Start promotes the school readiness of children by enhancing their cognitive, social/emotional and physical development. Triumph strives to reinforce the role of the parent as the child's primary teacher. Children participating in our Head Start program participate in high quality education programming, eat healthy meals and snacks, and receive health and developmental screenings. Their families are encouraged to participate in program governance, workshops, meetings and special events and all families are assigned a Family Engagement Specialist who helps connect the family to resources in the community. Transportation to and from school is offered for eligible children. Triumph's Head Start program operates during the school year and children attend four hours daily. Extended day services are available 7:30am-5:30pm, 52 weeks per year for families who meet eligilbilty requirements. Triumph's Early Head Start program provides services to children under the age of 3 and pregnant women. Triumph will offer two options in our Early Head Start program. Center Based Early Head Start will be available for families who are working or attending school full- time and who have or are eligible to receive a child care subsidy from the state. Classrooms in the program operate full day (7:30 AM - 5:30 PM) 52 weeks per year.
Riverway Center - Triumph, Inc.
Location: Taunton, MA - 02780
Contact Phone: (508) 822-5388
Details: Triumph, Inc. has operated the Head Start program for Taunton and Raynham, MA since the program's inception in 1965. Head Start is a federally funded preschool program for 3-5 year old children based on income eligibility. Head Start promotes the school readiness of children by enhancing their cognitive, social/emotional and physical development. Triumph strives to reinforce the role of the parent as the child's primary teacher. Children participating in our Head Start program participate in high quality education programming, eat healthy meals and snacks, and receive health and developmental screenings. Their families are encouraged to participate in program governance, workshops, meetings and special events and all families are assigned a Family Engagement Specialist who helps connect the family to resources in the community. Transportation to and from school is offered for eligible children. Triumph's Head Start program operates during the school year and children attend four hours daily. Extended day services are available 7:30am-5:30pm, 52 weeks per year for families who meet eligilbilty requirements. Triumph's Early Head Start program provides services to children under the age of 3 and pregnant women. Triumph will offer two options in our Early Head Start program. Center Based Early Head Start will be available for families who are working or attending school full- time and who have or are eligible to receive a child care subsidy from the state. Classrooms in the program operate full day (7:30 AM - 5:30 PM) 52 weeks per year.
Sullivan Center Early Head Start / Head Start - Citizens For Citizens, Inc.
Location: Fall River, MA - 02721
Contact Phone: (508) 675-2151
Details: Early Head Start is a home-based program which provides services for low-income expectant couples and families with infants and toddlers. Early Head Start is a comprehensive, two-generation program which includes intensive services that begin before the child is born and concentrate on enhancing the child’s development by supporting the family during the critical first three years of life. Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children ages 2.9 - 5 years of age from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential.
Pace Head Start - Madison Street - People Acting In Community Endeavors Inc.
Location: New Bedford, MA - 02740
Contact Phone: (508) 999-1286
Details: PACE Head Start is a program of P.A.C.E. Inc. (People Acting In Community Endeavors) a private, non-profit, community based, anti-poverty agency serving the Greater New Bedford area. PACE Head Start has been recognized by the Administration for Children and Families as a “Program of Excellence”. It is funded by and operates in accordance with Federal Head Start Program Performance Standards and is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). The program has been accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC). The program receives funding through the Office of Head Start and the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). PACE HEAD START OFFERS: A classroom environment where your child is free to explore, experiment, develop mastery, gain self confidence and problem solve while guided by qualified early childhood professionals; A comprehensive curriculum designed to meet the individual needs of children and elicit measurable gains in their development of School Readiness Skills; Mental health and other services for children and families with special needs; Family support services and information, referrals and advocacy; Meaningful family engagement including leadership opportunities, educational, recreational and social activities; Comprehensive literacy activities for children and families; A variety of health services including screenings, preventative health education, resources and referrals; Nutritious meals and snacks; Free transportation services.
Pace Head Start - Smith Street - People Acting In Community Endeavors Inc.
Location: New Bedford, MA - 02740
Contact Phone: (508) 984-3557
Details: PACE Head Start is a program of P.A.C.E. Inc. (People Acting In Community Endeavors) a private, non-profit, community based, anti-poverty agency serving the Greater New Bedford area. PACE Head Start has been recognized by the Administration for Children and Families as a “Program of Excellence”. It is funded by and operates in accordance with Federal Head Start Program Performance Standards and is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). The program has been accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC). The program receives funding through the Office of Head Start and the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). PACE HEAD START OFFERS: A classroom environment where your child is free to explore, experiment, develop mastery, gain self confidence and problem solve while guided by qualified early childhood professionals; A comprehensive curriculum designed to meet the individual needs of children and elicit measurable gains in their development of School Readiness Skills; Mental health and other services for children and families with special needs; Family support services and information, referrals and advocacy; Meaningful family engagement including leadership opportunities, educational, recreational and social activities; Comprehensive literacy activities for children and families; A variety of health services including screenings, preventative health education, resources and referrals; Nutritious meals and snacks; Free transportation services.

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