Free Preschools >> Maine Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Oxford County

Free preschools in Oxford county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Oxford county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Oxford Free Preschools:

Chisholm Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: Rumford, ME - 04276
Contact Phone: (207) 369-9176
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive program for children from birth to age five and expectant families. The goal of Head Start is to nurture future success for children and families by providing education, support and resources. Community Concepts has won national awards of excellence for its Head Start program. At Community Concepts, we believe that each child has unique and individual talents and interests. Our teachers honor these differences by providing each child with individualized attention and activities so they may learn and grow at their own pace.
Fryeburg Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: Fryeburg, ME - 04037
Contact Phone: (207) 935-3911
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive program for children from birth to age five and expectant families. The goal of Head Start is to nurture future success for children and families by providing education, support and resources. Community Concepts has won national awards of excellence for its Head Start program. At Community Concepts, we believe that each child has unique and individual talents and interests. Our teachers honor these differences by providing each child with individualized attention and activities so they may learn and grow at their own pace.
Norway Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: Norway, ME - 04268
Contact Phone: (207) 743-2600
Details: Community Concepts Head Start and Child Care provides quality early care and education programs for children, families and communities.
Oxford Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: Oxford, ME - 04270
Contact Phone: (207) 539-4456
Details: Community Concepts Head Start and Child Care provides quality early care and education programs for children, families and communities.
Paris Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: South Paris, ME - 04281
Contact Phone: (207) 739-2433
Details: Community Concepts Head Start and Child Care provides quality early care and education programs for children, families and communities.
Riley Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: South Paris, ME - 04281
Contact Phone: (207) 739-2517
Details: Early Head Start offers services focused on the developmental, social, health, and nutritional needs of expectant women and families with children birth to 3 years of age. Services may be home-based with weekly home visits and monthly parent and child socializations or center-based full-day Early Head Start /childcare. Both options provide full-year services.
Rowe Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: Norway, ME - 04268
Contact Phone: (207) 743-5183
Details: Community Concepts Head Start and Child Care provides quality early care and education programs for children, families and communities.
West Bethel Early Learning Center - Community Concepts, Inc.
Location: West Bethel, ME - 04286
Contact Phone: (207) 836-3700
Details: Head Start is a comprehensive program for children from birth to age five and expectant families. The goal of Head Start is to nurture future success for children and families by providing education, support and resources. Community Concepts has won national awards of excellence for its Head Start program. At Community Concepts, we believe that each child has unique and individual talents and interests. Our teachers honor these differences by providing each child with individualized attention and activities so they may learn and grow at their own pace.

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