Free Preschools >> Maine Subsidized Childcare >> Free Preschools in Lincoln County

Free preschools in Lincoln county.

Below are the listings of free and affordable preschools in Lincoln county. These preschool can help low-income people by offerring free and discounted rates for child care. We welcome user reviews and corrections of child care listings, as we strive to provide our users with the best and most up-to-date information possible. Simply click on the listing for more information.

Lincoln Free Preschools:

Northern Lincoln County Head Start - Midcoast Maine Community Action
Location: Somerville, ME - 04348
Contact Phone: (207) 549-3261
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to income-eligible children and their families. The focus of this program is to ensure that children are ready to start school while addressing all aspects of a child’s development and learning. Services are available to residents of Lincoln, Sagadahoc and Northeastern Cumberland counties. Classrooms are located in Brunswick, Topsham, Bath, Newcastle, Whitefield, Somerville and Waldoboro. There is no cost to the family. In addition to our Head Start program, MMCA also offers an Early Head Start program which provides center-based and/or home-based options free to families who are expecting a baby or have children ages 0-3 in Brunswick, Harpswell, Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties. Recognizing that parents are children’s first teachers, in the home-based option, Home Visitors go to the home weekly to offer fun activities and information about child development. Expectant parents learn about the growing baby, healthy pregnancy, and planning for baby’s arrival. Home Visitors also help parents meet their personal goals by connecting them with community resources and services. Twice a month families meet for Family Fun Events, where they form social connections and do activities together, including the popular Read With Me and Art Van programs.
Whitefield Head Start Center - Midcoast Maine Community Action
Location: Whitefield, ME - 04353
Contact Phone: (207) 549-7691
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to income-eligible children and their families. The focus of this program is to ensure that children are ready to start school while addressing all aspects of a child’s development and learning. Services are available to residents of Lincoln, Sagadahoc and Northeastern Cumberland counties. Classrooms are located in Brunswick, Topsham, Bath, Newcastle, Whitefield, Somerville and Waldoboro. There is no cost to the family. In addition to our Head Start program, MMCA also offers an Early Head Start program which provides center-based and/or home-based options free to families who are expecting a baby or have children ages 0-3 in Brunswick, Harpswell, Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties. Recognizing that parents are children’s first teachers, in the home-based option, Home Visitors go to the home weekly to offer fun activities and information about child development. Expectant parents learn about the growing baby, healthy pregnancy, and planning for baby’s arrival. Home Visitors also help parents meet their personal goals by connecting them with community resources and services. Twice a month families meet for Family Fun Events, where they form social connections and do activities together, including the popular Read With Me and Art Van programs.
Friendship St. Head Start Center - Midcoast Maine Community Action
Location: Waldoboro, ME - 04572
Contact Phone: (207) 832-4837
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to income-eligible children and their families. The focus of this program is to ensure that children are ready to start school while addressing all aspects of a child’s development and learning. Services are available to residents of Lincoln, Sagadahoc and Northeastern Cumberland counties. Classrooms are located in Brunswick, Topsham, Bath, Newcastle, Whitefield, Somerville and Waldoboro. There is no cost to the family. In addition to our Head Start program, MMCA also offers an Early Head Start program which provides center-based and/or home-based options free to families who are expecting a baby or have children ages 0-3 in Brunswick, Harpswell, Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties. Recognizing that parents are children’s first teachers, in the home-based option, Home Visitors go to the home weekly to offer fun activities and information about child development. Expectant parents learn about the growing baby, healthy pregnancy, and planning for baby’s arrival. Home Visitors also help parents meet their personal goals by connecting them with community resources and services. Twice a month families meet for Family Fun Events, where they form social connections and do activities together, including the popular Read With Me and Art Van programs.
Salt Bay Area Head Start - Midcoast Maine Community Action
Location: Newcastle, ME - 04553
Contact Phone: (207) 563-1412
Details: Head Start provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to income-eligible children and their families. The focus of this program is to ensure that children are ready to start school while addressing all aspects of a child’s development and learning. Services are available to residents of Lincoln, Sagadahoc and Northeastern Cumberland counties. Classrooms are located in Brunswick, Topsham, Bath, Newcastle, Whitefield, Somerville and Waldoboro. There is no cost to the family. In addition to our Head Start program, MMCA also offers an Early Head Start program which provides center-based and/or home-based options free to families who are expecting a baby or have children ages 0-3 in Brunswick, Harpswell, Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties. Recognizing that parents are children’s first teachers, in the home-based option, Home Visitors go to the home weekly to offer fun activities and information about child development. Expectant parents learn about the growing baby, healthy pregnancy, and planning for baby’s arrival. Home Visitors also help parents meet their personal goals by connecting them with community resources and services. Twice a month families meet for Family Fun Events, where they form social connections and do activities together, including the popular Read With Me and Art Van programs.

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