Virginia Free Preschools >> Fredericksburg City preschool Directory >> Stafford Schools Head Start/Early Head Start Melchers Complex

Stafford Schools Head Start/Early Head Start Melchers Complex


610 Gayle St Fredericksburg VA, 22405
Contact Phone: (540) 368-2559
Preschool Details: Stafford Head Start/ Virginia Preschool Initiative/ Early Head Start provides low income children 0-5 and those with special needs, as well as their families, with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for success now and in the future - in the classroom, the workplace, and the community. Our commitment is to foster partnerships with family, community, and staff to supply quality comprehensive developmental services for children and families. Implementing this vision requires high expectations in the delivery of children’s educational and family literacy programs, health and safety, dental, nutritional, and mental wellness opportunities. Emphasis is placed on family involvement and empowerment which is essential to the success of the child. Stafford Head Start/ Virginia Preschool Initiative/ Early Head Start secures an array of individualized services, ensuring that community resources are used in an efficient manner.
Age Requirements: 0 to 5 years old
How to Apply: Must provide proof of residency of Stafford County, proof of income, original birth certificate, immunization records, school physical and dental examination.

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