Pennsylvania Free Preschools >> Butler preschool Directory >> Mount Chestnut

Mount Chestnut


139 Rieger Rd Butler PA, 16001
Contact Phone: (724) 287-2761
Preschool Details: Early Head Start (EHS) is a comprehensive child development program. It offers FREE linguistically and culturally appropriate health, education and social services to income eligible families that include a pregnant woman and/or children, ages 0-3. Child-centered services of the highest quality are provided in the family’s home or the childcare center. Early Head Start’s family-driven philosophy empowers parent to support and nurture their children, while meeting other critical social and economic goals. Early Head Start recognizes the demands in caring for very young children. Our staff values the involvement of families in their child’s early learning, social, and cultural experiences. Early Head Start helps pregnant women stay healthy and have a healthy baby. Early Head Start assists parents with very young children to take a lead role in their child’s learning and development, become their baby’s first teachers, and build positive family relationships. Head Start is a comprehensive preschool program for children from age three through five. Preference is given to four and five year olds and to children with special needs. Head Start first launched as an eight-week summer program in 1965, and was designed to help break the cycle of poverty by providing preschool children from low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social health, and psychological needs. An emphasis is on child-initiated activities by providing materials, equipment and trained staff to assist in creative growth. There are 4 main major components to the Head Start Program: Education, Health, Parent Involvement, Social Services. Limited transportation to and from the classrooms will be available with bus stops as close to families as reasonably possible (door to door service is rare). Head Start will also assist families in receiving transportation to medical/dental appointments and parent involvement activities. Head Start is free to all. Ninety percent of the children who are accepted must qualify under the income guidelines. Ten percent of the children may be accepted over the income guidelines when all income eligible children are serviced.
Age Requirements: 0 to 5 years old

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