Tennessee Free Preschools >> Gibson preschool Directory >> Milan Elementary PreK/HS

Milan Elementary PreK/HS


1100 Middle Road Milan TN, 38358
Contact Name: Tammy Rushing
Contact Phone: (731) 686-0840
Website: https://nwcommunityaction.org/
Preschool Details: Northwest Tennessee Economic Development Council (NWTEDC) is a private non-profit community action agency. NWTEDC community service programs provide assistance to income-eligible households and individuals and serves as the grantee for the Northwest Tennessee Head Start/Early Head Start program. Services include: Preschool education and family support; School readiness; Preventive health care for each child; Free dental exams and treatment; Health insurance referrals; Family goal planning and other social services; Emergency assistance through referrals to local resources; Bus transportation in many areas; Special education services for children with disabilities; Well supervised staff with early childhood credentials - CDA or degree; Nutrition services; Mental health services with on-site consultation; Hearing, vision, speech and language; ELL/ESL; Technology access for all Head Start children and staff. In addition to academic and social services to children, Head Start also provides or refers families to community resources for such as: Counseling, Transportation, Job training, Home safety, Adult education, Fathering, Referral services, Parenting, Family Literacy. Parent Involvement Activities: Father Activities/Male Involvement events; End-of-Year Kindergarten Registration/Transition Activities; Parent Volunteers; Lending Library Activities - Read-A-Book Activities; Visits from community helpers; Holiday projects for parent and child; Presentations for parents - mental health, adult education & domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, domestic violence, substance abuse prevention, asset building strategies, child development, nutrition, health & safety as well as many others; Medical & dental appointment and follow-ups.
Eligible Requirements: Early Head Start serves children ages 0-3 years old and Head Start serves 3 and 4 year old children. Early Head Start also serves pregnant women and teens. Eligibility requirements for both programs begin with age and family income. Family income is based on Federal Income Guidelines which is based on number in the family.
Age Requirements: 3-4 years old
How to Apply: Selection criteria points which have been approved by the Head Start Policy Council and Agency Board of Directors are assigned for each child based on the child’s age and family income. TANF and SSI income is assigned priority points, as are foster children, homeless and children who have a diagnosed disability supported by an IFSP or IEP, and pregnant teens. Other points are assigned based on family dynamics such as single parent, no high school diploma or GED for head of household, documented child abuse/neglect or domestic violence, etc. Children are ranked on a waiting list for each center based on total points assigned and enrolled in the program in the order as reflected on the waitlist for each center. Applications are taken on an on-going basis. Documents required for an application: Family income documentation; Social Security numbers for each family member; Proof of birth for enrolling child; Immunization record for enrolling child; Insurance information; At least 3 emergency contact persons, including address and phone numbers.

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