North Carolina Free Preschools >> Durham preschool Directory >> Leathers Meachem Head Start

Leathers Meachem Head Start


908 Liberty St Durham NC, 27701
Contact Phone: (919) 536-5560
Preschool Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program for eligible children 3 to 4 years old designed in collaboration with families and the community to prepare children for success in school and life. Meals and snacks are provided while children are in our care.
Eligible Requirements: Families living in Durham County who meet income eligibility as determined by Federal Poverty Guidelines. Children with documented disabilities may be eligible regardless of income. Foster children and children from families receiving public assistance (TANF or SSI) regardless of income. To meet the enrollment criteria for the Durham Head Start program, families must meet the poverty guidelines that are established by the United Starts Department of Health and Human Services. At time of application, families must present documentation to demonstrate that they are living at or below the guidelines listed below.
Age Requirements: 3-4 years old
How to Apply: Applications must include: 1. Completed and signed application. 2. Proof of income or school for both legal guardians, if in the home (Examples are: Pay stubs for 1 month, most recent W-2 or 1040 Tax form, SSI or TANF documentation, Letter from Employer, Letter from School, School schedule), or a notarized Statement of No Income. 3. Proof of child’s age - something official with your child’s birth date on it (Birth Certificate or Passport, Medicaid Card, etc.) 4. Proof of Durham County Residency - a lease or bill or ID that show you live in Durham. 5. Special Services Paperwork - if your child receives any special services, documentation about that (sometimes called an IFSP).

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