North Carolina Free Preschools >> Alamance preschool Directory >> Head Start Junction

Head Start Junction


421 Alamance Rd Burlington NC, 27215
Contact Phone: (336) 436-0202
Preschool Details: Established in 1965, Head Start promotes school readiness for children in low-inccome families by offering educational, nutritional, health, social, and other services. Since its inception, Head Start has served more than 34 million children and thier families. In addition to providing quality preschool education for children, RCS Head Start helps parents provide a better life for their families as they move toward sef-sufficiency. We help parents find employemnt, housing, achieve educational goals, improve money-management and become better advocates for their children.
Eligible Requirements: Eligibility is based on the following criteria: Your child will be 3 or 4 years old by August 31st of the year you plan to enroll in Head Start. Your income falls below the Income Guidelines set by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families? A Family Advocate can help you determine this. At least 90% of the children enrolled must be from Income Eligible families. Does your child have a diagnosed disability? At least 10% of the total number of children enrolled must have a diagnosed disability. Eligibility will be determined by a needs assessment using screening criteria established by RCS Head Start and availability of classroom space. If you are eligible for RCS Head Start, but there are no slots available in the program, you will be placed on a waiting list and notified of vacancies as they arise.
Age Requirements: 3 to 5 years old
How to Apply: You will be asked to verify your income by providing one of the following documents: A copy of your most recent Tax Form 1040, or W-2 Forms, or Three (3) consecutive paystubs, or Child Support checks, or Foster Care checks, or A copy of any other verification deemed necessary to determine eligibility, or A signed statement from an employer on company letterhead. You will also be asked to provide your child's copies of the following: Immunization record; Birth Certificate; Social Security card; Medicaid or priviate insurance card. A physical exam form and an up-to-date imuunization record will be required within 30 days of enrollment or your child may not be allowed to come to school.

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