Alabama Free Preschools >> Jefferson preschool Directory >> Arrington Head Start Center (PK)

Arrington Head Start Center (PK)


300 Eighth Ave West Birmingham AL, 35204
Contact Name: Tonya Jones
Contact Phone: (205) 327-7592
Preschool Details: JCCEO Head Start provides services to 1,427 3-5-year-old children and their families. Our goals are: To provide a qualified, well-trained staff; To provide a curriculum which encourages children's involvement in the learning process; To teach children about life, their communities, and the world as they develop; To protect and enhance the health and safety of children and adults at all times; To meet the nutritional needs of children and adults; To provide the best training and support for staff; To involve parents in the program to enhance their parental abilities and support. Head Start classrooms are located at sites in Bessemer, Homewood, Jefferson County, Midfield and Tarrant school systems.
Age Requirements: 3 to 5 years old
How to Apply: Applicants for JCCEO Head Start-Early Head Start must provide the following information: Child's legal birth certificate (original); Social Security cards for members of the child's immediate family; Income verification for the last 12 months (W2 form for 2015: three (3) current check stubs; TANF award letter; SSI or Social Security verification letter; tax return form from tax preparer; child support documentation; self-employment (obtain a form from Family Worker) or unemployment compensation); and Proof of Residency (Lease, Deed, or Proof of Residency from Family Worker and current utility bill).

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