Free Preschools >> California Free Preschools

California Free Preschool Directory

Welcome to Free Preschool Directory's listings for California. Our California listings include 1879 affordable and free preschools with several different pieces of information that can help parents connect with preschools in their area.

Counties in California

Los Angeles (485)
Orange (48)
Ventura (25)
San Bernardino (47)
San Diego (155)
Riverside (77)
Imperial (16)
Inyo (4)
Santa Barbara (28)
Tulare (55)
Kern (51)
Fresno (53)
Kings (12)
San Luis Obispo (16)
Mono (2)
Madera (20)
Mariposa (1)
Merced (29)
Monterey (33)
San Mateo (22)
Santa Clara (47)
San Francisco (12)
Sacramento (111)
Alameda (75)
Contra Costa (33)
Napa (7)
Solano (17)
Marin (13)
Sonoma (14)
Santa Cruz (19)
San Benito (1)
San Joaquin (80)
Calaveras (10)
Tuolumne (7)
Stanislaus (55)
Mendocino (12)
Lake (7)
Humboldt (24)
Del Norte (7)
Trinity (2)
Siskiyou (9)
Placer (13)
Yolo (12)
El Dorado (11)
Amador (4)
Sutter (6)
Nevada (9)
Yuba (5)
Glenn (9)
Plumas (2)
Butte (16)
Colusa (10)
Shasta (18)
Lassen (4)
Tehama (11)
Modoc (2)

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California Free Preschools:

Intiwasi Spanish Immersion School -
Location: Los Angeles, CA - 90035
Contact Phone: (424) 527-0096

Intiwasi is a Spanish immersion preschool and elementary school in Los Angeles for children ages 3 - 8 years old. Intiwasi offers high-quality bilingual education and strives to create an environment where children can develop academically, socially, and emotionally. 

5102 North Ukiah Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Ukiah, CA - 95482
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
5202 South Ukiah Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Ukiah, CA - 95482
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
5402 Nokomis Hs & Ehs Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Ukiah, CA - 95482
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
5502 Willits Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Willits, CA - 95490
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
5601 Fort Bragg Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Fort Bragg, CA - 95437
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
6100 Upper Lake Center #2 - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Upper Lake, CA - 95485
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
6101 Upper Lake Center #1 - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Upper Lake, CA - 95485
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
6200 Lakeport Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Lakeport, CA - 95453
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
6302 Pearl Center - North Coast Opportunties, Inc,.
Location: Clearlake, CA - 95422
Contact Phone: (707) 462-2582
